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31 Days Until - Countdown to Jubilee

FOR TODAY Look at the image of this drawing: Over the last decade, movies and TV shows about super heroes have been quite popular. Having the strength to stop evil or save the world is a fantasy reserved not only for children. This drawing by the street artist Banksy, titled “Game Changer¹,” was left earlier this year on the threshold of a hospital in England. It honors the strength of the essential workers who have become heroes of 2020. Their strength is embodied in the human endowments of compassion, kindness and sacrifice. As we make our way towards our revival, let us be mindful of the transformative power of compassion and the redemptive strength of kindness. These endowments can change and heal our world in very needed ways.

FOR FURTHER REFLECTION Who is someone you know who is heroic in the most human way? Reach out today and let them know what they mean to you.


In anticipation of the upcoming election, each day of this week we will invite you to pray an additional collect appointed from the Book of Common Prayer. A Prayer for an Election Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



This third week focuses on the word strengthen. Soon we will gather virtually for our Jubilee revival. We hope it will be a time that we are strengthened as the people of God. Asking for strength is a testament of our faith; strength is not merely of our own, it is a gift from God. It can be so easy for us to give into worry, fear or despair; yet with God we pray for strength and look forward to wonderful things like our upcoming revival. Find all previous daily devotionals here


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