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Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic


Fellow Missionaries and Potential Missionaries,

If you feel the call to work side by side with a community in need, you might consider joining the 2025 Construction Mission to the Dominican Republic. This mission is more than building structures; it is about building relationships, hope, and a brighter future for our brothers and sisters in need. Through our collective efforts, we will work with local communities, offering our skills, our hearts, and our prayers to support their vision of a more sustainable and thriving community.

If you are skilled in construction and have a heart for service, your presence and participation are invaluable.

Above is the application for the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast's Dominican Republic 2025 Construction Mission. The actual mission dates are Friday March 21– Sunday March 30, 2025. Application deadline is November 10, 2024.

Please give this invitation prayerful consideration and return the application to Marty Ollinger (contact information supplied in the application above) along with the application fee. There is a non-refundable application fee of $100.00. Please make out your check to St. Paul’s (Mobile) and note DR-Mission. The application submission deadline is November 10, 2024. Additionally, please pass this the application to someone who you think might contribute to the Mission’s success.

Although the trip is just over six months out, it is time to establish the team formation and coordination. There will be a team coordination meeting in January, 2025 (date to be scheduled) at St. Paul’s Daphne. This meeting will address lessons learned from last year, and the furniture that needs building. The purchasing of tools and equipment (both state side and the DR); means and methods of fabrication of the furniture that we build. Additionally, we will develop a preliminary tool assignment. Lastly, we will discuss fundraising and establishing sponsorship.

If interested, please complete the application and submit to Marty Ollinger - contact information supplied in the application above.


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