Ordination to the diaconate for three seminarians from the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast was held at Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile on Saturday, December 3. Bishop Kendrick was the celebrant and preacher. He was assisted by the Very Rev. Beverly Findley Gibson, Ph.D.; dean of Christ Church Cathedral, the Rev. Canon Daniel Andrew Wagner; the canon pastor at the Cathedral; and the Rev. Terry Lynn Goff, deacon at Trinity, Mobile.
Clergy, family, and friends of the ordinands gathered together for the service. The ordinands were Michael Patrick Dickey, Curtis Albert Kennington, and Mary Elizabeth (Molly) Payne-Hardin.
The sponsoring parishes were: Holy Nativity, Panama City, Florida, Holy Spirit, Gulf Shores, Alabama, and Christ Church Parish, Pensacola, Florida.
The litanist was Christopher Powell, organist and music director, Christ Church Cathedral. The Rev. Tim Backus, rector of St. Francis of Assisi, Gulf Breeze read the Preface to the Ordination Rites. The lectors were Joseph McDaniel, Jr., Commission on Ministry, Christ Church Parish, Pensacola, and Sheila Campbell, Commission on Ministry, St. Simon’s on the Sound, Fort Walton Beach.
To view the photographs from the day, visit https://blueroom.smugmug.com/Episcopal-Diocese-of-the-Centr/ChristChurchCathedral/ORDINATION-12032016/.
Photo above courtesy of Cindy McCrory/Blue Room Photography