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Episcopal Youth Event-where our youth learn to celebrate, worship, and lead

Every three years, in accordance with General Convention Resolution #1982-D079, the Episcopal Church convenes an international youth event so “that the energy of the youth of the Episcopal Church can continue to be utilized in active ministry as members of the Body of Christ.”

Since the first Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) in 1982, this popular event has welcomed thousands of young people from across the Episcopal Church for celebration, worship, learning, and leadership training.

The next EYE17 will be held in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma from July 10-14, 2017, on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond.

EYE17 is geared for youth in grades 9-12 during the 2016-2017 academic year and their adult leaders. You will find updates on EYE17 registration and other information at

The Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast can bring 24 youth to this event. We will be putting together a team of youth and adults. If you have any questions about EYE17 or want to go to the EYE17, contact Rachel Iversen, Diocesan EYE17 Registrar at (850) 293-0478 or

Youth Leaders - Invite me to your youth group meeting for an

EYE17 youth group presentation

- Rachel Iversen

Discipleship. Development. Discernment.
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