Twenty youth and fifteen adult sponsors participated in the Amazing Race at St. Andrew’s State Park on Sunday, November 15. We gathered at the marina for registration and lunch before lining up to begin the race. Over the course, there were ten clues and challenges that led groups to find keys in the white sandy beach, build a sand castle, tie a knot, render first aid, play scrabble with the Rev. Steve Bates, and more. When teams crossed the finish line, they had run from the welcome center, down the beach, and all the way back to the marina. A big thank you to Andrew Jeffery, youth director at Holy Nativity, Panama City, for coordinating the event; Casey Cole of Holy Nativity for providing lunch; the Rev. Steve Bates, rector at Holy Nativity, for helping us run the final station; and the many volunteers that made this event possible!

The next regional diocesan youth event will be held on Sunday, January 31 at Christ Church Cathedral in Mobile, from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. It will include group games, dinner, a Mardi Gras parade, and Compline. For more information, contact me at or (251) 616-2162.