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Tens Membership - available for all congregations


The Diocese has secured a TENS Diocesan-wide membership license for all our churches, which will provide a number of stewardship resources online at no cost.  For all who engage in or nurture your stewardship ministry, whether that is one of conversation, encouragement, or communication, we hope that you will find the TENS resources supportive and timely. 


Please contact Kim in the Diocesan Office at 850-434-7337 to request member password. Password updates yearly.


TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) is an association of church leaders who understand, practice, and proclaim God’s call to generosity.   TENS’ vision is to provide training and resources for stewardship leaders across The Episcopal Church and beyond, around the following core competencies:

  • Developing and utilizing methods of providing resources using web-based and other electronic techniques.

  • Training clergy and lay leaders in the spirituality of money, and the skills required to address questions of money in the congregation;

  • Providing targeted stewardship leadership training for clergy and seminarians, at seminaries and at the diocesan level, including both the theology and the practice of stewardship;

  • Mentoring a new generation of stewardship leaders, with special attention to youth, young adults, Generation Xers, and newly ordained clergy.

The TENS ministry provides:
  • On-line / digital resources at no cost

  • Examples include Stewardship Series, Annual Giving Campaigns, Stewardship Best Practices, Liturgical and Worship Resources

  • Financial Newsletters

  • Annual Conference

  • Consultations

  • On-line store where you can find additional formation & training resources


Discipleship. Development. Discernment.
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