The General Convention deputation from the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast has begun some preliminary work ahead of the 80th General Convention to be held in Baltimore, July 5-14, 2022. General Convention usually takes place every three years, however COVID-19 intervened and the 80th convention was moved from 2021 to 2022.
Early in July, the president of the House of Deputies, the Reverend Gay Jennings, released the rosters of all the legislative committees for GC2022. You can access the entire list of committees (and search by name, diocese, or committee) by using this link: https://houseofdeputies.org/2022-legislative-committees/
Our diocese is well known for a strong GC deputation and participation. Five of our eight deputies have been assigned to committees, which is a little over average (each diocese has 4 lay and 4 clergy deputies).
The committees they will serve on are:
The Rev. David Knight - Government and Structure
Jill Showers Chow - Dispatch of Business
The Rev. John George - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation
Joe McDaniel, Jr. - Evangelism and Church Planting
David Quittmeyer - Program, Budget, and Finance (where he also represents Province IV)
Our remaining deputies are:
June Link, the Rev. Christie Hord, and the Rev. Pete Burgess. Alternates are Deacon Ed Richards, Eugene Johnston, Jr., Jeannie Kienzle, the Rev. Jim Flowers, and John Griffing.
The Reverend David Knight, Chair