Carsten Kennedy knew from an early age that he wanted to be a public servant, which set him apart from most children at that age who had yet to consider their options. Kennedy says, "I knew that I wanted to dedicate my entire life to helping others, young and old, and helping my community. I not only want to be a public servant in my [local] community but also in my church community. Serving my church community has also bettered my relationship with God."
Kennedy jumped at the opportunity to be a "voice for the youth" when the General Convention Office opened its application process for the 81st General Convention's Official Youth Presence. Bishop Russell Kendrick and other members of Kennedy's Episcopal church family supported him through the very competitive process in which only 18 young people were selected. Kennedy hopes that being a youth deputy will "allow me to be a part of the expansion and transformation of the Episcopal Church as a whole. This will be a great and eye-opening experience for me, and I cannot wait to serve my Church community on the national stage."
House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris says, “The voices, experiences, and viewpoints of our young people are invaluable as we seek to discern God’s calling for our church. Through the Official Youth Presence, we create opportunities for our youth to engage actively with legislative committees, learn about the governance and polity of The Episcopal Church, and build relationships across the church.”
Inspired to do more for his church, Kennedy found another opportunity to serve others. After some internet research and initiating a lengthy process, Kennedy is now also an Ambassador to the Episcopal Public Policy Network in the Office of Government Relations. He shares, "I will hit the ground running. For my first ‘100 Days,’ I am focusing on Episcopal Youth and Democracy. With these two appointments, I plan on working very hard for my church community and the Episcopal Church as a whole. These will be extraordinary experiences for me, and I cannot wait to see the new levels of where I and my faith are taken."
Carsten Kennedy is a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Mobile, and recently represented Convocation I as the Youth Delegate to the 53rd Annual Diocesan Convention.