Modified Plans for Our December Celebration

We would like to announce that we will hold a series of live virtual events to celebrate our 50 years as a diocese, December 3-5, 2020, in lieu of our previously planned in-person gatherings.
After several months of deliberating and waiting to see how public health safety and social distancing guidelines would evolve due to the coronavirus (and in consultation with Presiding Bishop Curry, his staff and health safety experts), Bishop Russell, diocesan staff, and the 50th Jubilee Celebration Committee have determined that the best and safest course is to modify our original December celebration plans of holding in-person gatherings.
Instead, we are planning to host several engaging virtual opportunities which will include worship, music, and live conversation with our Jubilee guests, Presiding Bishop Curry and Bryan Stevenson - all in an online format. We will have specific details available to you soon, until then continue holding the dates, December 3-5, 2020.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility, and ask for your prayers and support as we plan our 50th Jubilee Celebration event!