Meet Brady Johnson, cradle Episcopalian, college sophomore at the University of West Florida, member of St. Christopher's in Pensacola, and Bishop Russell approved intern for the office of communications at the Duvall Center. Over the coming weeks, Brady will be reaching out to church leadership to gather information about each church's ministries and available resources that are open to the community. From there he will populate the information into the Episcopal Asset Map, an interactive, web-based tool developed by The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Relief and Development. He hopes to also help educate others on the importance of this dynamic resource open to everyone to use.
After his first day on the job, Brady wants you to know that, "The Asset Map is a database of everything a congregation has to offer in terms of information, services, and ministry. You can easily search for any church registered on the Asset Map and have everything that applies to that church displayed. Assets can range from shelter and housing to career services to even community gardens. The Asset Map is a place for information from all churches [so that we can] come together and complete our mission as Episcopalians, which is evangelism."
The purpose of the Asset Map is to share our stories and create connections across all our communities, locally and globally. The Episcopal Church has been working diligently to ensure the Asset Map is the ultimate go-to resource for information on Episcopal churches.
To learn more about the Episcopal Asset Map, go to www.edcgc.episcopalassetmap.org.